2012 夏季短宣(Summer Mission)

感谢神!LWBC 夏季东亚英文福音营短宣队已经成立。共有十五位大人和青年人参加。今年除了有与前两年一样的英文福音营之外,我们还计划与当地的中文教会有服事及分享。请大家在祷告中纪念这次短宣, 包括准备,资金及整个过程。如果你愿为短宣奉献,支票请写:LWBC,并在备录注明:夏季短宣 (Summer Mission)。另外,为了提高弟兄姐妹们的参与意识,并对短宣的负担,我们也组织了六月一号(星期五)晚上的年轻人才艺表演(Talent Show),六月二号(星期六)早上的五公里竞走(5K Run),及六月九号(星期六)的跳蚤市场(Garage Sale)。请大家预留时间参加。

1. 年轻人才艺表演.
Youth Talent Show.
Time: 7:30-8:30pm, June 1st at Fellowship;

2. 五公里竞走. [download id=”37″]
地点:Otay Lakes County Park;
5KMission Run.
Time: 9am-noon, June 2nd
Location: Otay Lakes County Park, 2270 Wueste Road, Chula Vista, CA 91915

3. 跳蚤市场.
时间:六月九号(星期六)早上, 七点到十一点
地点: Pastor Clarence 的家.
Garage Sale。
Time: 7am-11am, June 9th
Location: Pastor Clarence’s house.

4. 九九大华礼卷 (Ranch 99 Gift Cards).

Sports Ministry Announcement

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

We would like to announce the new sports/outing group lists to whole church. You are encouraged to join and feel free to invite friends too.

Below are the groups and contact person.

  • [email protected], Henry is the organizer. You will be able to access this group via the web at:  https://groups.google.com/d/forum/lwbc_basketball

  • [email protected], Zhijun is the organizer. You will be able to access this group via the web at: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/lwbc_hiking.

  • [email protected],  Li Ling is the organizer. You will be able to access this group via the web at: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/lwbc_tennis.

You can apply to join the group directly from the above website.


This post provides guide on how to perform some frequent tasks to update worship team’s web page.

  • How to publish an announcement

The announcements are published on the worship team’s main web page The main page lists the 5 most recent announcements. To review past announcements, you can visit archive page

To create a new announcement, you need to login as user “worshipteam”. Once logged in, just create a new post. You can MP3 files to the post. However, it is recommended that you use a different method to upload MP3 instead of directly attach then to the post. After you complete the post, make sure to categorize the post as “worshipteam” (so it will be shown on the worship team’s web page) and “private” (so it is not shown on the church web page).  At last, publish the post and check the worship team’s main web page to make sure it is there.  Optionally, if you select “Post Notification” as “Yes” before you publish, an email will be sent to church’s mailing list (Yahoo! group).

  • How to upload MP3 files

The MP3 files uploaded are available for listening and download on web page  This page is only accessible to registered users (not necessary “worshipteam”, but we will share that account for now).

To upload MP3 files, you need to log in as user “worshipteam”. Once logged in, choose the “Upload files” function from the admin menu or go directly to  Please upload all MP3 files to folder “mp3” (only files in that folder are listed on download page).  Once upload is complete, go to the download web page to verify.

  • How to update Calendar

Currently the calendar is under LWBC’s google account.  So please send the events to web master and he will update the calendar.  If worship team needs more flexibility, a separate google calendar can be used.

  • How to update other contents

Please contact web master for any other updates for now.  If there are too much work, then we can consider adding more functions to the web site.



CMC Children’s Program Donation

San Diego Chinese churches and Ambassadors For Christ (AFC) will be co-hosting the 1st Chinese Mission Convention-West Coast (CMC) on December 27-30, 2011 (http://www.afcinc.org/)
To keep the costs as low as possible, we invite those who would like to be supportive by providing the following supplies for the children’s program.
Stuff animals (dogs and cats)
No bigger than 36”x24”
Stuff animals (lambs and sheep)
No bigger than 36”x24”
Used greeting cards with pictures of dogs or cats on the front. Cut off the second part of the card (the personalized message)
at least 5”X7”,
Used greeting cards with pictures of nativity scene (the birth of Jesus) on the front, Cut off the second part of the card (the personalized message)
at least 5”X7”,
Costumes of the word (will return back to you, please put on your name on the Costume)
For 3-5 years old
Career clothes (will return back to you, please put on your name on the Costume)
Adult size
Large picture books of various people groups and lands.
at least 8″X11″, used or new,
Large picture of Children of World in native dress
at least 8″X11″, used or new,
Large white clean flat bed sheet cut into 2” strips rolled for efficient storage and transporting. We will need 200 strips.
may use twin or full size sheets
200 2″  strips
Please bring the items to the church and leave the items in collection bins during the following Sundays: October 9, October 16, October 23, October 30.

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